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Directed by JJ Garvine and Tai Parquet, Film Hawk premiered at Sundance 2016 and is screening at DOC NYC this Saturday. Little wonder that after all these years of backing other people's projects, Hawk is now the subject of Film Hawk, a feature-length doc about his off-center life and his career as a film whisperer. A true pioneer of quality indie cinema-and a foil to Hollywood's big-budget mishaps-Hawk has a passion for making good films better, often by being brutally honest. Hawk famously discovered Kevin Smith and backed his cult-hit Clerks, as well as Smith's Chasing Amy, Ed Burns' The Brothers McMullen, Rob Epstein's The Times of Harvey Milk and many, many others. Beginning in the early '80s, he made a name for himself primarily as a film consultant & independent producer, helping new talent get projects off the ground and into theaters. Bob Hawk, the indie film stalwart behind 'Clerks,' offers his sage producing advice in 'Film Hawk.'īob Hawk is a household name in the world of independent film.

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